Andaz Series 1

Published: September 18, 2013

Category: ICM, News & Events, Photography

Medium: Photography

Andaz Series 1
Andaz Series 1

This summer the new Andaz Maui at Wailea resort commissioned 12 pieces from me to go in their Executive Offices. This was an exciting opportunity for me - the first time actually that I was able to implement an idea I have had for some time: to create art that was sourced from the very place it would call home. There is an act of giving and receiving, of telling and showing, that combines so well with the “unique moment in time” aspect of my ICM photography. Even I cannot reproduce the same picture-painting twice!

In doing a large installation such as this, I also was able to capture a very diverse array of colors and textures, sampling from the natural and built environments themselves. As such, they harmonize together, energetically, even if they are not images that would necessarily be grouped together from random source books. It’s like a family - where the parents and the kids and the pets all look different, yet somehow belong together.

Selected Images from the Andaz Art Series 1

Fire Pit #2 Fire Pit #3 Kaʻana #2 Kaʻana #4 Kaʻana #5 Plumeria #3 Plumeria #4 Pool Palms #3 Pool Palms #8 Pool Palms #14 Pool Palms #2549 Pool Palms #2609 Stairway #1 Stairway #6 Stairway #18 Ti #1 Ti #4 Ti #6 Ti #7 Ti #8 Ti #14 Ti #15 Ti #17 Ti #18
