Hana Series
Published: November 1, 2012
Category: ICM, News & Events, Photography
Medium: Photography
Earlier this year (June 2012) Roxanne and I drove to Hana on the Eastern side of Maui. Hana is like stepping back in time to a more authentic Hawaii. The Hana Highway winds around some 600+ hairpin curves along the fifty mile distance from our home in Haiku.
Friends gifted us with a “spa day” at the Luana Spa Retreat. We highly recommend staying in the yurt at the Luana Spa Retreat. That is, if you can manage to get a reservation.
On the last morning, just a couple hours before we headed back to Haiku, with umbrella in hand to keep the misty rain off my camera, I wondered around the ground of both the Luana Spa Retreat and the Travaasa Hana and ended up with the photographs in this series.
As with all my ICM Series, (Intentional Camera Movement) these images were captured completely in-camera. No Photoshop or post-processing allowed.
After taking thousands and thousands (1038 on this trip) I remain surprised at how different the energy and imagery created can be. Even when shooting flowers like the Torch Gingers that I’ve shot hundreds of times before.
Some of these images also provide the addition of the color orange to my ICM series.